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This Book Will Make You Think

This Book Will Make You Think

While I was visiting the bookshop at the British Museum, I came across this book with such an intriguing and promising title. One of the things that makes me consider a book a good one is that it makes me think, so boom! I wanted it. It’s a very brief introduction to some philosophical thoughts. Each chapter starts with a famous quote, which is then followed by a short section that covers historical information and the background of the philosopher who came out with that… Read More »This Book Will Make You Think

Humand Kind


Do you think humans are selfish, untrustworthy and dangerous creatures? If so, do yourself a favour and read this book. The core message in this book is that most people, deep down, are good-hearted. A perfect read in the current times. The author, Rutger Bregman, is a historian whose optimism is energising. He tells lots of effective stories and provides evidence from psychology, sociology, anthropology and archaeology. He starts developing his theory with a view on the “philosophical boxing ring” that sees two opposite opinions… Read More »Humankind

The Wisdom of No Escape

The Wisdom of No Escape

Peaceful and calm. This is what I felt while I was reading this book. It was easy to read and it came at just the right time. It’s a good reminder to compassionately accept who we are, that we are all interconnected, that suffering is part of life and that it’s not by pushing away painful things that we can be happy. An encouragement to see who we truly are and to observe how we react to our emotions and thoughts. I loved it when… Read More »The Wisdom of No Escape


Do you have a vegetable garden? If not, and if you want to live a long and happy life, you might consider having one. You’ve just learned one of the “secrets” of the longest-living people. Sorry for the spoiler. It wasn’t that much of a spoiler, though, wasn’t it? We already knew that. I have been curious about this book for a while given its aggressive promotion and I have become familiar with the Ikigai diagram even before reading the book. In this read, I expected to find some… Read More »Ikigai

The Art of Happiness

The Art of Happiness

The Dalai Lama believes that the purpose of life is to seek happiness. To achieve this you need to do only one thing: train your mind. Because that’s what happiness is, a mental state. The book is not directly written by him, but instead by a Western psychologist who asks him questions about life. The Dalai Lama’s answers show that his mind is open, flexible and gentle, his humanity is real, his wisdom is deep and his teachings are powerful and effective. Funnily enough, he… Read More »The Art of Happiness

Ego Friendly

Ego Friendly

The majority of self-help books out there repeat one thing like a broken record: that the problem is your ego, you need to let go of it. In the culture in which we live, which values self-sufficiency and individualism, repeatedly hearing this concept is dangerous because it can trigger a fight with yourself. This book, instead, opens your eyes: the ego exists, it’s there, without it you wouldn’t be able to make sense of your life, it’s the way you live your life. So, instead… Read More »Ego Friendly

A Monk’s Guide to Happiness

The best non-fiction book I’ve read in 2021. I’ve often read reviews about books that changed readers’ lives and had always wondered whether one day that would happen to me. Well, I found it, this is the one. I’ve read it twice this year and I’m sure I’m going to go back to it many other times. It’s a well-organised and inspiring book with lots of practical examples and exercises that will help you integrate meditation and mindfulness in your busy life with a natural attitude and not… Read More »A Monk’s Guide to Happiness